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Safety Information

Before beginning exercise program with this equipment, read the entire manual and pay attention to all cautions and warnings.

Consult a physician before starting any exercise program.

Stop exercising immediately if you are experiencing chest pain, feel faint, have difficulty breathing, or experience discomfort.

Work only with a qualified instructor. Do not modify the equipment in any way and only use accessories and components provided by the manufacturer.

Use the equipment only for the intended exercises.

Inspect the equipment including all structural and mechanical parts, hardware, springs and accessories before using, including but not limited to making sure that all hardware is fully tightened and that there are no gaps or defects in springs, no excess wear or tear in ropes or straps and that snap hooks are properly working. Discontinue use immediately if equipment appears worn, broken or damaged.

For repairs, consult with a qualified BASI Systems technician and do not attempt to repair equipment yourself.

Do not allow children to use or be around equipment without proper adult supervision.

Ensure that physically challenged individuals have proper supervision with a qualified instructor.

Always ensure that the carriage stopper is inserted and at least one spring is securely attached before getting on to the Reformer, Reformer with Tower, or Reformer Combo!

Keep your body, clothing and hair free from moving parts and springs.

Always ensure that springs and carabiners are fully closed on both ends.

When using the push-through bar a qualified instructor must keep a hand on the bar and with springs attached from below, the safety strap must be attached.

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